Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Sebastian: Case Conference 11/4/2010.

I never expected the Case Conference to last anywhere near this long, but it ended up lasting us an entire 1 hour and 30 minutes. By the time it ended, we brought the kids home from school and got out of there within 20 minutes of dismissal!

The case conference got started a little late, getting a group of 9-12 people together is actually rather complicated! The only people who did not show was the Autism specialist (which I wish would have for many reasons...) The Principal (who has a stand-in) and Mrs. Lorenzen (his homeroom and first period teacher).

Much of the discussion is what we already know, his behavior, how he is such a delight to have and any of the issues in class, such as: Trying to leave the classroom, trying to fall asleep on the floor during an activity, meltdowns due to noises and requesting to go to the office instead of staying in class (this is connected to just leaving the class).

Everyone had many positive things to say, the only way that this was put in a bad way was by the Psychologist. Many people sat in with Sebastian this week for input for the case conference and from here on out, the Psychologist I will call her by name. Her name is Gunny.

Gunny has a thick German accent by the way, she was positive at times, but mostly rubbed me the wrong way, with quotes like "If I diagnose a child with Autism, it is very rarely. This is not something we just throw out on a occasional basis." Which, only makes me want to slap her, she works off of Stacy's evaluation that states: With continued care, Sebastian may improve with Speech therapy and Behavioral therapy." Great, he is still autistic and yes, we do need a second confirmation, simply so Mrs. Wolfe (Special Education teacher) can better work with Sebastian legally.

Mrs. Wolfe was wonderful, as was the Speech therapist, they have both taken me under their wing, I also liked the Occupational Therapist, but she didn't talk nearly as much. Much thanks to Mrs. Smith (Math teacher) for sitting there for 80% of the meeting, and after she left, Mrs. Crane (Writing teacher) who has just came back from Maternity leave, this poor woman has been through a lot with him, but she is so happy to have him. Routine was changed with her, his favorite teacher was taken out when she returned and he is having a lot of trouble adjusting, she is also the teacher he has after lunch when he runs out of the room, tries to fall asleep and everything else, I thank her so much for all of her input in such a small period of time.

Mrs. Wolfe and the Speech therapist seen that I was unhappy with Gunny's comments, they are going to fight with us if need be about diagnosis, apparently they have had many problems with her before and will not let her bully anyone, even me. Many moments of laughter were shared, positively at some of the things Sebastian does, and a few minutes of "Awe" at some of the progress he has made.

Basically, they are setting everything up for having an autistic child.

Visual cues in the classroom.
One word questions.
Shorten length of days (temporary).
Speech therapy: 4 days a week in the morning during school
Occupational therapy: As needed

Ms. Blake, who is Mrs. Lorenzen's classroom assistant has agreed to be trained to instead, assist Sebastian throughout the day, going to all of his classes and everything else, she has been doing this, but she needs to be certified to stay with HIM.

Mrs. Kuhn, (the Principal) has called a Mandatory meeting of all the teachers, for a seminar on autism since it is in the school, to educate all of the other teachers.

School evaluation: by Gunny within 50 days to return for another Case Conference (Dec 29)

This is just the beginning. May add more later, but very tired this evening.

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