Friday, November 26, 2010

New updates!! Novembuuurrr 27th, 2010.

Wow, where to start. I have gotten a little behind, but with Black Friday I have been super busy, busy!

Nickolas has been doing a little better now that he is back on the medication and has been more helpful. The backtalk and the tantrums are certainly still there, but he is improving a bit! Also, he had a doctors appointment on Novembuuurrr 12th with Dr. Wire.

Finally!! Finally they have started him on a second pill at 3 p.m. everyday, 5mg. So he gets 15mg in the morning, then 5mg at 3 p.m. This will take a few weeks before we see the difference, but hopefully this can help him a little more. We will all continue to work together to help him the best that we can!!

Sebastian has been such a busy guy. He now goes to school half-days, started the beginning of this month. We pick him up at 11:45 everyday, that's after lunch. So straight from lunch to the office and to go home. This has mostly been working out pretty good, only a couple of issues recently. He doesn't like if you throw away his food, they need to ask him 3-4 times if he is SURE that he wants something thrown away...

I finally got to speak with Lori Schmitt (autism specialist for the EVSC) on Wednesday before we brought Sebastian home, she was joined with the Occupational therapist. They wanted to know what I used for his meltdowns, or how I can motivate him to otherwise do something that he doesn't feel like doing... However, at the time it slipped my mind what to tell her... I forgot to mention "2 choices" why this slipped my mind is certainly due to lack of sleep, but I will talk with Ms. Wolfe on Monday and relay the message. Grandma's suggestion was for him to have a Mario figure with him. He can focus on it and get back to work.
Lori also pointed out that Sebastian is super-duper smart, but he is just struggling of course to put that towards everything. It's all a learning process.
Her biggest thing though during this talk was that he does excel in things, that he is smart, she is QUICK to point out the sensory issues. The shaking of Sebastian's head, his arm movements and the rocking. How in Math class he knows all he has to do is scream and Mrs. Smith will let him sit in the rocking chair. It's a class of 21 other students, we are trying to curb THIS.

This brings me to the school Psychologist. (Which, might I add all of the paperwork is in for her to do the evaluation for Sebastian within the next 55 days, mind you!!) She still urks me, honestly. She makes it seem just like he is smart that he cannot be autistic. Or just because it is not her diagnosis YET... It's like this, "He is so smart" and "But "if" this is autism".
These comments urk me. All autistic children EXCEL at things, but struggle in different areas. They will/may always struggle in one place moreso than another, this is why so many children go without a diagnosis. Sebastian's autism is the sensory part, the speech area, but he DOES make up for it in his own forms of problem-solving.
I love this kid so much, Sebastian IS autistic, not because I like to say the words, I wish both of my children are average, but they are in-fact NOT. Nor will either of them ever be, but I can promise this, we will do the best that we can for them... And continue along our merry little ways....

Lastly, before I am off to bed, as it is super cold this evening...

Finally have seen some paperwork in the mail from SSI. I filed because, all of these appointments. Go here, go there, gas and upkeep on vehicles we are all over town 2-3 times a week and back n forth to school, not to mention the extra back n forth.

Got the paperwork today that they have scheduled an evaluation for Sebastian on December 6 @12:30 for a speech evaluation for SSI determination. Wonderful, finally. Let's get this ball ROLLING already. I am ready, bring it on!!

At the same time, evaluation... Evaluation... EVALUATION!! One is never enough, this one isn't as good as the next one, yadda... yadda.

If you wonder WHY this is happening..

Stacy, his therapist which we totally love, she is wonderful for everything she does and I thank her so much for coming into our lives!! Stacy can only give a medical diagnosis.

The school, this is a different diagnosis. Of course, it's ALL the same, but they need an educational diagnosis for academic purposes.

SSI, SSI needs to determine on their own, too many people take advantage of the system, period.

I understand all evaluations, but at the same time I want to shield him away from everything, all of this. I do stand by my decision to put him in public school, I think this is the best for him. He is a smart kid, he will excel in areas, and most of all... This gives him the interaction with other people. Me having panic disorder, I don't want him to build a shell and struggle to function in public, public is not always the best place for Sebastian on some of his days, but he does need the interaction and bonds with other people than JUST Mommy, Daddy, Nick and Grandma.

The world needs to experience my children, I cannot raise them alone... They sometimes need to learn for themselves and teach others too in the process, both of them are doing a wonderful job of this in their own wonderful little ways. We love our boys so super much and wouldn't have them any differently than the way they are!!

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