Sunday, November 28, 2010

November 28, 2010.

What a week!! It has been so busy around here with Mom trying to work to make what is needed for Christmas, and this past week was Thanksgiving. Bills are piling up recently and the van is a total mess, we are currently waiting to hear if Sebastian will qualify for SSI or not, certainly he will. We go on December 6 @ 12:30 for a speech evaluation for him...

Thanksgiving was good, Nick went to spend time with his great-grandma from Thursday to tonight (Sunday). After Nick left on Thursday, I slept in preparation for Black Friday. We left for Black Friday at 12 a.m. and didn't get home until 9 a.m. Target was the worst and Wal-Mart made me mad with the bracelets for the TV's that I had no general clue about...

Friday, I slept. Saturday, I slept again. Momma has been working so hard at making Christmas monies and dealing with Mommy things, sleep took a back-burner. Sunday, I tried to work and cleaned some, so over-stressed here.

Nick came home tonight and I was really pretty mad. He left and was told more than enough times to pickup his room before he left, Mom would not be doing this anymore, and if he wanted to go, he had to finish his chores before he did. Grandma didn't help, rushing him out sooner than we expected, we were shortened on time, but he did have time as trash should be taken out around dinner every night and his room is to be picked up everyday and clean before bedtime.

He left at 1 p.m. his room was a mess for two days, clothes everywhere, bowls of food, toys spread everywhere. The trash, there were two bags full of trash in the kitchen, plus the dog had gotten a-hold of the trash in the trash cans and had it spread all over the yard.

When I woke up, I told him about it. He broke down very easily about it, and got overly dramatic. I questioned if he took his medicine and he said yes, I haven't counted the pills. I had him go to sleep, he was coughing pretty heavily (I had him setup the humidifier and he got some Robitussin). His moods were insane tonight after being gone for a few evenings, screaming at Sebastian, ignoring his little brother, playing roughly with him then getting upset when the consequences hit him in the face (Sebastian sitting on him etc).

For every action, there is a reaction. Sometimes, the way he treats Sebastian, Sebastian will give it back, then Nick gets hurt and it's a cycle...

Sometimes I don't know how to handle this. Everyone feels that Sebastian is ganging up on them, sometimes when he plays, this is HOW he plays.

Like, the other day I was speaking to Grandma. Sebastian likes to watch videos on YouTube right now, the volume will VARY from video to video, but she gets so upset with him... She thinks he turns it up on purpose. 99.9% of the time it's the VIDEO change itself, not a personal attack to Grandma.

I see a lot of the way Nick acts, is how his Grandmother acts. Her mouth, her reactions, her breakdowns. I don't know what to do about that either, if I say anything to her about the way she acts, I get a song and dance about how she was raised this way and she did this-this-this and this and didn't wait. Or, how she can't have anything and how she is unappreciated. It's dramatic and stressful.

Oh how I can't wait for the day that we can own our own home and build her an apartment in the basement or the garage or something. She cannot take care of herself alone, or she wouldn't be in the situation she is in. But, sometimes there needs to be a separation because of the kids, she is too much a part of the family without being part of the work.

Sebastian is doing okay. He had an okay weekend, pretty routine for him. Wanting more than he can ever get, requesting toys and things, which we say wait for Christmas and he gets upset. This kid is insane sometimes with these things, He wants Luigi, then the next day he wants Tails. I got him Luigi from Wal-Mart on Black Friday and he wanted Tails that day, he got upset and wanted me to go out to get Tails. What?!?!

Christmas dude, Christmas.

Today was an okay one. But, Sebastian was a bit moody and cocky there for a while. He is doing some voices that, the only way I can put them remind me of Stewart from SNL. The whispering part, when he talks? It's kind of cute, like apparently I guess the school has been teaching him to whisper and this is what we get, hehe.

He was just struggling a bit today, but I couldn't figure out WHY exactly. Until Nick got home, I was about to fall asleep and they both come barreling down the stairs and go for food. Seb is talking to Nick and Nick says something about Bastian missing a tooth! Of course I jump up all excited in fashion, yep he lost a tooth.

That explains why he wanted gum all day and why he was slightly cranky.

Bastian cannot express these things. With the first tooth, he knew it wiggled and he knew it was going to come out, but this time there was no verbal communication about another loose tooth. I am just going to periodically try and wiggle his teeth from now on and just figure it out on my own!

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