Monday, December 6, 2010

Cutting back my hours.

Went with Sebastian to school this morning, as I do most mornings and it was a bad one. Meltdowns for the minute we left the nurses office until nearly 8:30. I won't go into details right now, but I have been doing a lot of thinking.

Granted we need the money badly, but we are also trying to get Sebastian on SSI. Anyway, what is needed of me right now is bigger than a paycheck. I have to keep cutting back my hours, of course I never thought that school was going to make things even more complicated, I figured, but didn't know to what extent was going to be the case.

I find it harder and harder to get my hours, really on a regular school schedule, I could do 5 hours of my normal "job" with a little time too do the extras like writing or transcription. But, since Sebastian has started school or even this year as a whole, with knowing that this is autism it has been harder and harder with all of the appointments and learning on all of our parts. Work has suffered.

I am so very, very happy that I can finally have something that I can do from home, for a good rate and that I can work anytime that I want to work, but that also means, I cut into what my children need. Generally I wanted 4 hours a day through the month, which would equal to 90 hours, plus some extra work. Money that will be here by Christmas... Which we really need at this time.

It is important to focus on Sebastian though. He is having trouble adjusting in school, and it may end up that I pull him out of school and strictly home-school him. Right now, he is on half-days. There is a case conference tomorrow. After the morning we had with Sebastian, I am looking forward to this tomorrow. We can all get together and brain-storm and get on the same page with what we are doing.

What is done there, should be done at home and vice-versa, this is going to be the only way that we can get him motivated. I think they are going to cut his hours once again... To just his first period and, speech therapy. So, he would end up being home by 10 instead of 11:45 now. This makes me very sad, but I am realizing that maybe I need to be working with hims even harder at home.

I am going to get a table, or trying to get a table for a space in the house, it might take until January before I can get this going, but I need supplies. I want to setup the table here in the living room and work with him like he would be worked at-at school. I can be his teacher, I can teach him here just like he would get it at school.

I am cutting his computer time, I am also going to even closer watch his trouble behaviors. We have got to get this going, figure all of this stuff out and do what is best for our little guy. It won't be easy, but... It's what Sebastian needs.